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Thursday, December 18, 2008

Eliminates Pimple in Your Photos

Sometime we wish photo seen perfection, cleanness etc. In Adobe Photoshop altogether earns we to obtain is including cleaning stain like pimple stain. There are some steps to get perfect result. Under this be stepping the:

1. Open file photo which will be cleaned.

2. Select tool Healing Brush Tool. At Photoshop CS3, you can apply spot healing (tools automatic pimple cleaner), which we will study now is Healing Brush Tool before.

3. At pallet Healing Brush Tool, arranges radian diameter at value Brush between 5 - 10 px so that level only around pimple measure.

4. Takes example of clean skin area with depressing Alt + click, at the time of depressing alt to emerge circle sign with sign (+) in it is showing location of skin taken as example.

5. Then we are click at finite spotty or pimply skin area of all stains becomes cleanness.

6. Saves result of the manipulation with format JPG